Child Safety Book & Information
The Guide to Child Safety in the Car & Road
Child Safety In the Car and On the Road – A Parent’s Guide includes valuable information on child safety seats, as well as chapters on pedestrian and bike safety for children. The author explains what steps parents should take if their child is injured in an accident with a motor vehicle, and “If the advice contained in the following pages is in some way responsible for preventing a single accident, or if it gives a parent some peace of mind – in whatever measure – that my efforts will have been more than worth it.”
Why children are inherently unsafe, at-risk pedestrians.
Pedestrian injury is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 5 to 14. Children are vulnerable to pedestrian death for a variety of reasons, including high traffic volume, high posted speed limits, absence of a divided highway, few pedestrian control devices, lack of alternative play areas like parks, and irresponsible driver behavior. However, children are particularly at-risk pedestrians because they are exposed to traffic threats that exceed their cognitive, developmental, behavioral, physical and sensory abilities. Child Safety in the Car and On the Road explains how this is and what parents can do about it.
How seat belts and air bags can actually endanger your child.
Safety measures used to protect passengers can be harmful or even fatal to children if used improperly.
If asked to identify the greatest source of danger for children inside a car, few of us would immediately come up with seatbelts and airbags. After all, their very purpose is to prevent injury, to make driving safer. We’ve come to so closely associate seatbelts and airbags with safety that it may not occur to us that, because they were made with adults in mind, they can cause serious harm to children. It’s not merely that they are ineffective at protecting smaller bodies from the force of a car crash, though that’s certainly true, but that they are themselves a hazard to child safety in the car. Child Safety in the Car and On the Road will explain how to properly install safety measures in your car that can save your child’s life.
How understanding your child’s limitations and setting rules can prevent bicycle accidents at all ages.
It can be easy for children—and even parents—to see their bicycle as a toy. The reality is that bikes are not toys. In fact, more children ages 5 to 14 go to hospital emergency rooms for injuries associated with bicycles than with any other sport. Child Safety in the Car and On the Road gives you the information you need to keep your kids safe on their bikes—at all ages.
What to do if the unthinkable happens and your child is injured in an accident.
Your child’s involvement in an accident is a traumatic experience. On top of worrying about their physical pain from injuries sustained, there’s the emotional turmoil that inevitably arises—the fear from not knowing what will happen and the confusion from not knowing what to do. The sense of fear about your child’s future can easily become overwhelming. Child Safety in the Car and On the Road will give you a clear course of action and the certainty that you are doing the right thing for your child and your family.And more vital information:
- The 5 documents you need to protect your child in the event of an emergency.
- How to navigate misleading lawyer advertising and find a qualified attorney.
- And even more information you’ll need to protect your children from accidents and give you peace of mind.